Hans and Pierre
Hans and Pierre now have AKAs - George and Fred (respectively). These gentle giants redefine the term “velcro dog!” They are extremely affectionate: love to be pet, cuddle with you anywhere, and follow you from room to room. In fact I have both of them snoozing on the floor beside me as I write this! In general, they are pretty mellow boys, and are content to hang out at home with you on the couch, but the minute you put your shoes on, they are ready for an adventure! We’re working on their leash training every day, and they are doing much better. They pull a little, which at their size can feel like a lot, but practice makes perfect. Hans (who we call George) is very loyal and even-keel. Even though they’re litter mates as far as we can tell, he acts like the big brother. He shares his food and allows his brother to push him aside for attention. He barks in the yard at passersby, but is quick to calm down when you call him away. He gently asks for attention with a soft (huge) paw on your leg. Pierre (who we call Fred) is the goofy one. He smiles and talks when he gets excited and at meal time, and is always attached to your hip. If you’re sitting, he is half in your lap. He barks for food, but that’s about it. Both boys are housebroken and totally non-destructive. They know how to use a dog door, and love to be on the couch or on the bed with you. They’re gentle with kids, friendly with all other dogs, and polite to cats. They can rest their heads on the kitchen counter without stretching, so you will need to be sure no food items are ever left out! They would be happiest in a home with a large yard for exploration, a secure fence of at least 4’, and human family members who are home a lot, love giving constant affection, and don’t mind drool. They do not like to be left out of the party, and definitely do not do well when separated from each other. You will be their whole world!